As an organization dedicated to supporting other organizations in their anti-racism and equity journey, Inclusifyy is committed to supporting and building relationships with Black and Indigenous communities.

Inclusifyy's goal is to source talent, services and products solely from Black and Indigenous owned and operated organizations.

Our commitment to Black and Indigenous communities is not about morality or ethics or moral suasion. Our commitment isn't about the business case for diversity; the business case for diversity has legitimated and sustained exploitative practices:

  1. White landowners argued that the economic welfare of the colonies and the health of a young country depended on keeping slavery intact.
  2. In Canada, we live on stolen land and as squatters we prosper and benefit from:
  • Mismanaged and largely ignored Treaty Rights and the Indian Act.
  • Ignoring Indigenous rights and sovereignty, and this includes Inuit, non-Status and Métis rights and sovereignty;
  • Ignoring the loss of land for First Nations communities that never ceded territory through Treaty.

These exploitative practices have evolved and continue today in the form of MMIWG, the prison-industrial complex, over-representation in poor health outcomes, over-representation in suicide rates, lower employment rates, lower education/graduation rates, increased rates of poverty and homelessness, to name a few.

Racism and oppression are iterative processes, and we continue to benefit from their insidiousness.

Inclusifyy's commitment to supplier diversity is about accounting for and adjusting for the unequal distribution of illegitimate power, and privilege.

Unite Interactive